
Conversion Tools

Weight Converter

Type a value in the Kilograms field to convert the value to Pounds:


1 kilogram = 2.2046226218 pounds 
1 pound (lb) is equal to 0.45359237 kilograms (kg)

Incoterms 2010

The Incoterms rules have become an essential part of the daily language of trade. They have been incorporated in contracts for the sale of goods worldwide and provide rules of guidance to importers, exporters, lawyers, transporters, insurers and students of international trade.
Group E: Departure (E-terms: the seller makes the goods available at the seller's own premises (EXW))
Group F: Main Carriage Unpaid (F-terms: the seller is obligated to deliver the goods to the carrier appointed by the buyer (FCA))
Group C: Main Carriage Paid (C-terms: the seller contracts and pays for the transportation to a named port (CIF))
Group D: Arrival (D-terms: the seller pays all costs and accepts all risks to deliver the goods to an agreed upon point (DDP))

Time Zone Converter
Time Zone Converter

Currency Converter
Currency Converter

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